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Simple Security and Sessions in PHP

Simple Security and Sessions in PHP

This article demostrates an easy way to maintain sessions and security (or authorization) in PHP. It does NOT use the PHP built in session support....

Views: 1007 | Rating star | by Jarry
PHP - Security

Writing Secure PHP Code

Writing Secure PHP Code

This article will guide you through writing secure PHP code and covers many of the common security pitfalls one will encounter while making php...

Views: 1016 | Rating star | by Source
PHP - Security

Create a random password

Create a random password

Nice little function that will generate a completely random password.

Views: 1000 | Rating star | by Slicer
PHP - Security

.htaccess Password Protection w/Encryption

.htaccess Password Protection w/Encryption

Learn how to super protect your files without the use of mySQL.

Views: 548 | Rating star | by Troy
PHP - Security

Customizing PHP Safe Mode

Customizing PHP Safe Mode

We'll guide you through using PHP safe_mode and how-to enable it and to customize it for certain sites on your server. If a client needs it...

Views: 898 | Rating star | by Sean
PHP - Security

IP Banning

IP Banning

Learn how to ban someone's IP from your website!

Views: 896 | Rating star | by Daniel
PHP - Security

Developing a Login System with PHP and MySQL

Developing a Login System with PHP and MySQL

Most interactive websites nowadays would require a user to log in into the website’s system in order to provide a customized experience for the...

Views: 848 | Rating star | by Tutorial
PHP - Security

MD5 Encryption

MD5 Encryption

Protect your user's information with MD5 hases in PHP.

Views: 829 | Rating star | by Colin
PHP - Security

Securing Forms with Random Noisy Images

Securing Forms with Random Noisy Images

This tutorial is intended for those who want to ensure that the data retrieved by a form processor PHP is sent by the expected form, not another...

Views: 872 | Rating star | by Brad
PHP - Security

PHP Form image verification

PHP Form image verification

When you build a form in your web page, you are susceptible to being spamed by automated systems. In order to make sure that the one who completes...

Views: 826 | Rating star | by Jason
PHP - Security

Build up a function to secure a text box

Build up a function to secure a text box

A detailed php tutorial that shows how to create a useful function to secure a web site from attack attempts passing through text boxes.

Views: 881 | Rating star | by Steve
PHP - Security

PHP Security by Example

PHP Security by Example

Nice flash presentation that will provide you with a good foundation on how to make your PHP apps more secure.

Views: 856 | Rating star | by Troy
PHP - Security

Basic PHP Security

Basic PHP Security

Basic PHP script security covers issues like prevention of SQL injections, XSS and CSRF attacks, variable tampering, etc.

Views: 831 | Rating star | by Ben
PHP - Security

Preventing SQL Injection Attacks

Preventing SQL Injection Attacks

Preventing SQL attacks is one of the most effective forms of defensive against crackers, this article explains how to do so.

Views: 821 | Rating star | by Jarry
PHP - Security

Customer Management

Customer Management

Overview of the customer management scripts, also introduce the include files that store common functionality used throughout the application.

Views: 876 | Rating star | by Source
PHP - Security

PHP captcha verification

PHP captcha verification

This way of preventing automated submissions is very used on the internet. More and more website owners start looking for a tool to prevent SPAM. A...

Views: 848 | Rating star | by Brad
PHP - Security

CSS File Protection

CSS File Protection

How to hide your CSS source from rippers.

Views: 838 | Rating star | by Mathew
PHP - Security

How to restrict visitor access to your web site

How to restrict visitor access to your web site

The proper ways to apply restrictions to your website.

Views: 838 | Rating star | by Brad
PHP - Security

Php Password Security Using Salts

Php Password Security Using Salts

Learn to make unique-per-user salts to create un-bruteforceable passwords. This method will prevent brute forcing from online md5 databases and...

Views: 841 | Rating star | by Ben
PHP - Security

Understanding the Life of a Session

Understanding the Life of a Session

One of the most vast misconceptions in the PHP world is how sessions really do work. I'm fairly confident most of us know how to start...

Views: 847 | Rating star | by Amy
PHP - Security