Echo is one of the basic functions in PHP, you should get acquainted with it if you want to learn PHP.
If you are new to PHP, this is for you. Here you will learn how to create and run a PHP web page for the first time.
In order to accomplish almost any programming task with PHP you'll be dealing with strings. To get the best out of PHP you must thoroughly...
This introductory guide covers a wide range of subjects on PHP programming. Some of main topics include: PHP history, PHP 4 Architecture, Language...
This article will explain how to build dynamic web pages with PHP. PHP is a very popular and easy to learn script language. Regardless if you are...
An introduction to PEAR with examples of using the Benchmark package.
This online manual is meant to serve as a place to start for people not familiar with PHP. It covers the basics of variables, forms, sending email...
This tutorial shows you how to use two open source, cross-platform tools for creating a dynamic Web site: PHP and MySQL. When we are finished, you...
This is a remastered PHP4.CHM(Compiled HTML Manual). Added keyword index and good-looking MSDN style sheets.
A set of online tutorials on PHP development. Topics include: History, Installation, Variables, Math, Control Structures, Objects and Classes,...
Explains what is PHP, and how it works with examples using a dynamic NetSafe Color chart and an Access database connection using ODBC. Also,...
This introductory Web tutorial covers: The detail definition of PHP, The basic PHP Syntax, Creating a simple and a multipage forms in PHP, How to...
This is a short introductory tutorial on PHP by the official PHP Web site. Explains what it is, what it looks like, what it can be used for. Also...
The quickest way to learn PHP is to start using it and see what happens. This tutorial starts by diving right into the good old 'Hello...
PHP is a freely available, HTML-embedded scripting language that lets you embed special tags to create your script right in an HTML file. PHP can...
This article will show you the basics of a PHP program with several simple examples. It starts with HTML output and progressively builds up to...
This is a comprehensive article / tutorial on programming in PHP. It covers a variety of key topics including PHP Structure, Scalar Variables and...
This article is intended for readers getting started with PHP, but who are already familiar with another Web based language. It points out some of...
It's time to face it: databases are everywhere. Feeling left behind? This ten part series of articles will teach you everything you'll...
An introduction to the world of PHP.