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Introduction to PHP/Forms

Introduction to PHP/Forms

Get used to the basics of PHP and using forms.

Views: 608 | Rating star | by Colin
PHP - Introduction to PHP

PHP Intermediate

PHP Intermediate

Learn some basic to intermediate PHP skills using this tutorial, well written and lots of information. Everyone can benefit from this tutorial!

Views: 586 | Rating star | by Stephen
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Looping Statements in PHP

Looping Statements in PHP

In programming it is often required to repeat a block of code for a given number of times or until a certain condition is not true. For this, we...

Views: 529 | Rating star | by Tutorial
PHP - Introduction to PHP

What is PHP

What is PHP

PHP, which stands for 'Hypertext Preprocessor', is a server-side scripting language used for creating HTML embedded dynamic Web pages....

Views: 644 | Rating star | by Troy
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Detailed PHP array tutorial

Detailed PHP array tutorial

In this tutorial I will show you how to work with arrays in PHP. You will learn how to create, sort or print an array. Besides this we will touch...

Views: 532 | Rating star | by Donald
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Hello World

Hello World

This tutorial will detail how to use the echo function to create the traditional hello world script. This tutorial also explains that PHP works...

Views: 614 | Rating star | by Brad
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Variables in PHP

Variables in PHP

This tutorial will detail how to use all different types of variables in PHP.

Views: 566 | Rating star | by Ben
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Variables in Variables

Variables in Variables

This tutorial will explain exactly what variables in variables are and how you can use them.

Views: 588 | Rating star | by Colin
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Detailed PHP loops tutorial

Detailed PHP loops tutorial

In this tutorial I will show you all loops in PHP and their usage with code examples.

Views: 631 | Rating star | by Sarah
PHP - Introduction to PHP

PHP include file tutorial

PHP include file tutorial

In this tutorial I will show you how to divide your code into more files and how to include various files into your actual PHP code.

Views: 606 | Rating star | by Sarah
PHP - Introduction to PHP

PHP string basics

PHP string basics

A detailed description how to use PHP strings and basic string manipulation functions.

Views: 593 | Rating star | by Jarry
PHP - Introduction to PHP

PHP control structures - do while

PHP control structures - do while

PHP contains a various statement types Control structures allow us to manage script to do or not to do anything. When you use do while control...

Views: 576 | Rating star | by Jarry
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Introduction to PHP

Introduction to PHP

The article gives a brief introduction to PHP. What it is, how ti works and what it is for?

Views: 602 | Rating star | by Nick
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Learn PHP Part 1 - Introduction to PHP

Learn PHP Part 1 - Introduction to PHP

Answers the most fundamental questions of learning PHP including possible uses, how to write code, and what the requirements are.

Views: 565 | Rating star | by Sarah
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Learn PHP Part 2 - Showing Content and Using Variables in PHP

Learn PHP Part 2 - Showing Content and Using Variables in PHP

This tutorial will teach you the basics of how to show content and use variables with PHP. It will explain the difference between single and double...

Views: 563 | Rating star | by Donald
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Learn PHP Part 3 - Conditional If Statements

Learn PHP Part 3 - Conditional If Statements

This tutorial will teach the basics of using conditional statements to show information. It will explain boolean variables and how to write an if...

Views: 568 | Rating star | by Donald
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Learn PHP Part 4 - Loops and Arrays

Learn PHP Part 4 - Loops and Arrays

This tutorial will teach the basics behind PHP loops and arrays of variables. The loops covered are while loops and for loops.

Views: 657 | Rating star | by Adam
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Learn PHP Part 5 - E-Mail with PHP

Learn PHP Part 5 - E-Mail with PHP

This tutorial will show you how to send e-mail from PHP using PHP's built in mail function.

Views: 606 | Rating star | by Marry
PHP - Introduction to PHP

 Learn PHP Part 6 - PHP with Forms

Learn PHP Part 6 - PHP with Forms

This tutorial will finally introduce you to the usefulness of PHP on your website. It will let the user fill out forms which will then produce...

Views: 579 | Rating star | by Isac
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Learn PHP Part 7 - Contact Us Project

Learn PHP Part 7 - Contact Us Project

This is the final tutorial in the seven step guide to learning PHP. This tutorial will actually produce a fully functional and useful 'Contact...

Views: 591 | Rating star | by Sarah
PHP - Introduction to PHP