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Display Information in PHP

Display Information in PHP

We have been displaying information as we have progress through these tutorials, now we are going to take a step back and look in some detail about...

Views: 594 | Rating star | by Jason
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Variable Naming in Php

Variable Naming in Php

The Variable Naming standard you choose, can be anything you want, bearing in mind that different languages have restrictions on what can be used...

Views: 585 | Rating star | by Marry
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Mysql Connecting.Inserting & Showing Data

Mysql Connecting.Inserting & Showing Data

This is a tutorial on Mysql Database Connecting, Inserting & Showing data.

Views: 610 | Rating star | by Ben
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Multidimensional arrays

Multidimensional arrays

Learn how to create multidimensional arrays in PHP, we will be creating a form, and another page to handle the form to demonstrate multidimensional...

Views: 577 | Rating star | by Nick
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Strings in Php

Strings in Php

After integer.. maybe just after integer, strings are possibly the most important variable types in programming. Storing a bunch (series) of...

Views: 554 | Rating star | by Sarah
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Pre/Post Increment, Decrement

Pre/Post Increment, Decrement

$index++; // Post-increment, Give the value of index, then increments index by one ++$index; // Pre-increment, increments index by one, then...

Views: 605 | Rating star | by Jason
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Arrays in Php

Arrays in Php

Arrays An array is a data structure that stores one or more values in a single value. For experienced programmers it is important to note that...

Views: 645 | Rating star | by Simon
PHP - Introduction to PHP

PHP Functions : array_fill

PHP Functions : array_fill

array_fill() fills an array with num entries of the value of the value parameter, keys starting at the start_index parameter. Note that num must be...

Views: 563 | Rating star | by Stephen
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Web Programming Tutorial for the Absolute Beginner

Web Programming Tutorial for the Absolute Beginner

An easy to follow tutorial. Although using PHP, the most popular web programming language, it focus on web concepts in instead of on the language...

Views: 586 | Rating star | by Sarah
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Introduction to using PEAR HTML_Template_IT Package

Introduction to using PEAR HTML_Template_IT Package

Learn how to use the PEAR HTML_Template_IT Package to create a templating system for your website using PHP and HTML.

Views: 605 | Rating star | by David
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Converting all applicable characters to HTML entities

Converting all applicable characters to HTML entities

In this code sample we will converting all applicable characters to HTML entities using htmlentities(). Using 'htmlentities' all...

Views: 592 | Rating star | by Adam
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Understand Sessions

Understand Sessions

Learn how php sessions work

Views: 578 | Rating star | by Daniel
PHP - Introduction to PHP

PHP Script Tips - Creating Your Own Functions

PHP Script Tips - Creating Your Own Functions

A collection of 19 tips on creating your own PHP functions. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on defining functions, defining...

Views: 559 | Rating star | by Mark
PHP - Introduction to PHP

PHP and MySQL - Introduction

PHP and MySQL - Introduction

The topics covered in this tutorial include: PHP basics, including script structure, variables, supported types, constants, expressions, and type...

Views: 560 | Rating star | by Isac
PHP - Introduction to PHP

PHP Basics

PHP Basics

In this tutorial we will help you understand how to use php.

Views: 601 | Rating star | by Troy
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Basics to arrays

Basics to arrays

We will be looking into what arrays are and how to make and use them.

Views: 542 | Rating star | by Mathew
PHP - Introduction to PHP



Today you will be learning how to create you're own function.

Views: 550 | Rating star | by Isac
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Str_replace Function.

Str_replace Function.

You will be learning the str_replace function.

Views: 535 | Rating star | by Ben
PHP - Introduction to PHP

PHP Basics

PHP Basics

If you are beginner to intermediate in PHP then this tutorial is for you, this tutorial discusses some of the basics of PHP in detail.

Views: 621 | Rating star | by Jason
PHP - Introduction to PHP

A Study in Arrays

A Study in Arrays

A simple tutorial on how to use arrays in PHP.

Views: 582 | Rating star | by Steve
PHP - Introduction to PHP