This tutorial will help you get started in working with mySQL and PHP. It will assume that you have no prior experience in using mySQL with PHP...
In this tutorial we are going to expose basic mySQL queries, and how they can be used to print all data from a mySQL table into an HTML table. This...
mod_rewrite is a popular Apache Module which gives a server administrator the ability to mask a web site's links. Though mod_rewrite has...
A Quick and easy function for displaying up to a 32 charecter, highly randomized string. Great for account verification on user registration.
A collection of 14 tips on PHP string literals, operations and conversaion. Clear explanations and tutorial exercises are provided on single-quoted...
A collection of 19 tips on manipulating PHP strings. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on string functions including strlen, trim,...
A collection of 23 tips on understanding and managing cookies in PHP. Clear explanations and tutorial exercises are provided on setting and...
A basic news management system written in PHP and MySQL, this system has no html styling and is a skeleton structure for a robust news system.
Write a script that displays the source code of a given URL
This article will show how to make a single PHP file which will imitate an RSS Feed, instead of writing to an RSS file each time the database is...
Using file_get_contents to retry n times before returning false.
A collection of 8 tutorials on working with directories and files: How To Create a Directory? How To Remove an Empty Directory? How To Remove a...
A collection of 11 tips on PHP array introduction. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on declaring and creating arrays, assigning...
PHP provides a function to get the width and height of an image. The getimagesize() function will determine the size of image file including flash...
Ever wanted to learn the nitty gritty of file or directory manipulation with PHP? This tutorial will show you how to create, modify, manipulate,...
This is a quick, easy, simple to understand introduction to arrays to get a beginner introduced to how they work, what their purpose is, and ways...
A short tutorial howto validate an email address during form processing. An example 'copy & paste' html form code is included to...
Output the size of a MySQL database with this simple script.
This script searches MySQL database fields specified by the owner and displays the results with keywords in bold.
Views: 854 | | by Donald
PHP - Searching
A collection of 14 tips on PHP functions on file input and output. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on opening files for reading...