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Basic Tutorial

Basic Tutorial

Want to learn php? Don't know where to start? This tutorial is for you!

Views: 609 | Rating star | by Jason
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Banner Maker

Banner Maker

This tutorial will show you how to create a simple 468 x 60 banner online.

Views: 630 | Rating star | by Jason
PHP - Image Manipulation

Ban an IP Address Using PHP

Ban an IP Address Using PHP

Is someone causing you or your site pain? BAN THEM using this script!

Views: 521 | Rating star | by Jason
PHP - Miscellaneous

Graphing in PHP - Make Your Own Line Graph Using PHP Functions

Graphing in PHP - Make Your Own Line Graph Using PHP Functions

Learn how to make your own line graph using GD functions in PHP, based on traffic statistics for a desired page. So this tutorial will require a...

Views: 879 | Rating star | by Sarah
PHP - Web Traffic Analysis

Spam detection with Zend_Form and Zend_Service_Akismet

Spam detection with Zend_Form and Zend_Service_Akismet

I've been looking at spam detection techniques for a while now, so when Zend_Form came onto the scene I thought that it would be nice to...

Views: 581 | Rating star | by Steve
PHP - Form Processing

Tutorial: Create a zip file from folders on the fly

Tutorial: Create a zip file from folders on the fly

Creating zip files on a web server is a feature which could be very useful for backups or just for offering an unknown number of dynamic files or...

Views: 617 | Rating star | by Brad
PHP - File Manipulation

Simple Search Engine with PHP and MySQL

Simple Search Engine with PHP and MySQL

There might be many reasons why you may be storing data in a database. As Google has showed us, searching data is an invaluable tool that can help...

Views: 522 | Rating star | by Colin
PHP - Database Related

Installing PHP5 on Windows 2003 and IIS6

Installing PHP5 on Windows 2003 and IIS6 - There is no shortage of tutorials on the net that show you how to install PHP on Windows with IIS, but since it...

Views: 605 | Rating star | by Brad
PHP - Installing PHP

Connecting to a MySQL Database with PHP

Connecting to a MySQL Database with PHP

A guide on how to connect to a MySQL Database using PHP.

Views: 556 | Rating star | by Ben
PHP - Database Related

Writing a CMS/Community with Smarty and the Zend Framework Part 2

Writing a CMS/Community with Smarty and the Zend Framework Part 2

The second part in a series on how to write a combination of a CMS and community with the Zend Framework and the Smarty templating system.

Views: 565 | Rating star | by Sean
PHP - Content Management

Marrying the Zend Framework and HTML Ajax

Marrying the Zend Framework and HTML Ajax

This tutorial describes what to do in order to be able to instantiate controllers in the Zend Framework, the goal is to be able to make instances...

Views: 849 | Rating star | by Jason

Retrieving and Echoing MySql Data

Retrieving and Echoing MySql Data

Okay there are different ways to retrieve data from MySql databases here are a few ways and uses.

Views: 627 | Rating star | by Sarah
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Create a Facebook Application With PHP

Create a Facebook Application With PHP

This tutorial covers the basics of using the Facebook PHP Client Library and how to get your application started, including, installing the...

Views: 594 | Rating star | by Tutorial
PHP - Development

Basics of Object Oriented Programming

Basics of Object Oriented Programming

This tutorial is aimed at an audience unfamiliar with the basic concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP). The intent is to provide a general...

Views: 883 | Rating star | by Mark

Paginacion con php

Paginacion con php

Veremos paso a paso como hacer navegacion por paginas, con ejemplos incluidos.

Views: 605 | Rating star | by Daniel
PHP - Content Management

Parsing Character Delimited Files into Arrays

Parsing Character Delimited Files into Arrays

In this tutorial you will learn how to parse a multiple-line character delimited text file into a two dimensional array using PHP.

Views: 540 | Rating star | by Mark
PHP - File Manipulation

FTP Administration with full logging via PHP

FTP Administration with full logging via PHP

Sometimes, when working on complex projects, you may need to store files on different servers. This can be easily done via FTP. The logging process...

Views: 913 | Rating star | by Donald

Traverse Directories the Easy Way with Glob() !

Traverse Directories the Easy Way with Glob() !

There is a powerful yet somewhat unheard of function in PHP titled glob(). Many beginners and intermediates alike struggle with the traversing of...

Views: 543 | Rating star | by Adam
PHP - File Manipulation

Your own ajax blog

Your own ajax blog

AJAX powered blogging system. It is focused on ease of use, web standards, and speed. This blog is not full of ...

Views: 603 | Rating star | by Colin
PHP - Content Management

PHP File Open

PHP File Open

Basic tutorial that shows how to open local and remote files in php.

Views: 550 | Rating star | by Ben
PHP - File Manipulation