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Adding a WYSIWYG Editor To Your Site

Adding a WYSIWYG Editor To Your Site

Turn your (or your customer's) PHP site into a CMS! The ability to edit your site in WYSIWYG fashion is easier than you might think, and that...

Views: 714 | Rating star | by Stephen
PHP - Content Management



This is a very handy function if you want to clean up your content before storing it into your database. It uses 'eregi_replace' to...

Views: 653 | Rating star | by Mark
PHP - Content Management

Uploading Image Files with PHP

Uploading Image Files with PHP

This article will guide you through step-by-step to learn how to upload and manage files using PHP. All code provided as well.

Views: 572 | Rating star | by Sarah
PHP - Content Management

Download files with cURL

Download files with cURL

A snippet that helps you download files from the web, with the use of the well known cURL library for php.

Views: 632 | Rating star | by Slicer
PHP - Content Management

Cuss Word Filter

Cuss Word Filter

This tutorial will help explain how to filter out bad words in your forum, comments, or blog.

Views: 638 | Rating star | by Stephen
PHP - Content Management

Joomla 1.5 Advanced Registration

Joomla 1.5 Advanced Registration

This tutorial shows you how to build a custom registration component with more fields and custom validation in Joomla 1.5 that you can use to...

Views: 627 | Rating star | by Sarah
PHP - Content Management

Writing a CMS/Community with Smarty and the Zend Framework Part 6

Writing a CMS/Community with Smarty and the Zend Framework Part 6

Shows how to setup a gallery with multiple uploads through a Shockwave made with the Flex SDK, also shows how to extend Zend Session to setup...

Views: 646 | Rating star | by Sarah
PHP - Content Management

Writing a CMS/Community with Smarty and the Zend Framework Part 1

Writing a CMS/Community with Smarty and the Zend Framework Part 1

The first part in a series on how to write a combination of a CMS and community with the Zend Framework and the Smarty templating system.

Views: 582 | Rating star | by Daniel
PHP - Content Management

Writing a CMS/Community with Smarty and the Zend Framework Part 3

Writing a CMS/Community with Smarty and the Zend Framework Part 3

The third part in a series on how to write a combination of a CMS and community with the Zend Framework and the Smarty templating system.

Views: 568 | Rating star | by Amy
PHP - Content Management

PHP Navigation

PHP Navigation

This tutorial will teach you how to have those index.php?page=whatever things...

Views: 646 | Rating star | by Amy
PHP - Content Management

Full News CMS System

Full News CMS System

Learn how to create a news CMS with admin panel, easy to use editor.

Views: 566 | Rating star | by Isac
PHP - Content Management

CMS Tutorial: Part 3: User Authentication

CMS Tutorial: Part 3: User Authentication

The third part covers a class that handles user authentication. This class will be used to implement the login/logout/registration process to...

Views: 645 | Rating star | by Sean
PHP - Content Management

CMS Tutorial: Part 1: base class

CMS Tutorial: Part 1: base class

Create your own content management system using an OOP approach. The first part covers the base class used to build the CMS.

Views: 633 | Rating star | by Donald
PHP - Content Management

Registration and login process

Registration and login process

The fourth part implements the login, logout, registration process using the class created in the third part

Views: 637 | Rating star | by Donald
PHP - Content Management

Writing a CMS/Community with Smarty and the Zend Framework Part 2

Writing a CMS/Community with Smarty and the Zend Framework Part 2

The second part in a series on how to write a combination of a CMS and community with the Zend Framework and the Smarty templating system.

Views: 565 | Rating star | by Sean
PHP - Content Management

Paginacion con php

Paginacion con php

Veremos paso a paso como hacer navegacion por paginas, con ejemplos incluidos.

Views: 604 | Rating star | by Daniel
PHP - Content Management

Your own ajax blog

Your own ajax blog

AJAX powered blogging system. It is focused on ease of use, web standards, and speed. This blog is not full of ...

Views: 603 | Rating star | by Colin
PHP - Content Management

Wordpress Installation Tutorial

Wordpress Installation Tutorial

Brief step-by-step guide. Master the installation of Wordpress yourself easily.

Views: 696 | Rating star | by Slicer
PHP - Content Management

PHP Category System

PHP Category System

Create a category system that allows for unlimited number of categories. Keep everything dynamic and easy to use.

Views: 669 | Rating star | by Steve
PHP - Content Management

CMS Tutorial: Part 2: Data Access Layer

CMS Tutorial: Part 2: Data Access Layer

Create your own content management system using an OOP approach. The second part implements a class that handles the database functions that we’ll...

Views: 734 | Rating star | by Colin
PHP - Content Management