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Introducing the PHP Command Line Interface

Introducing the PHP Command Line Interface

In this short article I will introduce you to the PHP Command Line Interface (or CLI for short). PHP CLI allows you to run PHP scripts directly...

Views: 643 | Rating star | by Adam
PHP - Development

Timezone Class: Dealing with Timezones the Proper Way

Timezone Class: Dealing with Timezones the Proper Way

I must admit that I was going to write you a simple timezone script and then tell you how easy it was. However, I came across some handy timezone_*...

Views: 639 | Rating star | by Sean
PHP - Development

Chinese Characters in PHP String Literals

Chinese Characters in PHP String Literals

This article provides tutorial notes on Chinese characters in PHP string literals. Topics include PHP string literal syntax; testing Chinese...

Views: 640 | Rating star | by Nick
PHP - Development

PHP Syntax

PHP Syntax

A short lesson on writing PHP code and its semantics. Example showing how to combine PHP with HTML to create a web page.

Views: 825 | Rating star | by Marry
PHP - Development