
Get Remote Web Page Information Using PHP
Use PHP to get the title, keywords and description of a remote web page.
Views: 527 |
| by David
PHP - File Manipulation

Redirect a User Based on His Geographic Location
This code uses a web service to determine each user's location and allows you to redirect the user or dynamically create a page based on that...
Views: 891 |
| by Steve
PHP - Redirection

Export MySQL to Excel
Export MySQL data records to an Excel file in one file, simple and easily!
Views: 578 |
| by Jarry
PHP - File Manipulation

Introduction To Classes and Object Oriented Programming
Learn a quick introduction to OOP (Object Oriented Programming). We will be creating a small class for fun to demonstrate how it all works.
Views: 905 |
| by Jarry

Web Programming Tutorial for the Absolute Beginner
An easy to follow tutorial. Although using PHP, the most popular web programming language, it focus on web concepts in instead of on the language...
Views: 606 |
| by Sarah
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Resizing An Image Using PHP
This code allows you to create a resized version of an image by altering the IMG tag dynamically. One common application would be to automatically...
Views: 611 |
| by Colin
PHP - Image Manipulation

Quickly Validate An Email Address
If you use this code, you will be able to validate a submitted e-mail address. It checks for an @ character, and actually checks the DNS of the...
Views: 568 |
| by Nick
PHP - Email Systems

Introduction to using PEAR HTML_Template_IT Package
Learn how to use the PEAR HTML_Template_IT Package to create a templating system for your website using PHP and HTML.
Views: 628 |
| by David
PHP - Introduction to PHP

List files and directories
Show files and directories in a directory. Filesize and types listed in a nice table.
Views: 668 |
| by Isac
PHP - File Manipulation

Converting all applicable characters to HTML entities
In this code sample we will converting all applicable characters to HTML entities using htmlentities(). Using 'htmlentities' all...
Views: 609 |
| by Adam
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Automatic Form Generation Using PHP
This set of functions allows you to use simple PHP commands to generate complex forms containing many different inputs. It automatically outputs...
Views: 622 |
| by Jarry
PHP - Form Processing

Authenticate Users Using an LDAP Database
This code authenticates users using an LDAP directory and then stores session information in a MySQL database. It is a very good demonstration of...
Views: 885 |
| by Donald
PHP - User Authentication

Creating a Tag Cloud Using PHP
By using this PHP code, you can create the tag cloud that is popular on so many web 2.0 sites. It lets you provide users with an index/sitemap that...
Views: 925 |
| by Isac
PHP - Site Navigation

Table Class for PHP
This code allows you to dynamically create your tables using PHP code. It is perfect for a content management system where you do not know how many...
Views: 1117 |
| by John
PHP - Content Management

Create Dynamic URLs With Mod_Rewrite and PHP Functions
In this tutorial you will learn to add unlimited parameters to your links with only one simple PHP function.
Views: 928 |
| by Sarah
PHP - Site Navigation

Dynamic RSS Feeds
Create RSS feeds dynamically with PHP and MySQL.
Views: 990 |
| by Steve
PHP - News Publishing

Get Last ID after Insert
You can get the ID (AUTO_INCREMENT column as primary key) generated after you insert a new record in your table by a simple function...
Views: 583 |
| by Donald
PHP - Database Related

Show Records by multi Columns in Rows
There are simply to show data records in table rows, just one record by one table row but sometime you need to show data records more than one...
Views: 577 |
| by Isac
PHP - Database Related

Complete affiliates management system
Build your own affiliates management system, add, edit and remove affiliates from the web.
Views: 915 |
| by Sean
PHP - Link Indexing

Installing PHP 5 with MySQL 5 support on Apache 2.2 - Perfect development environment.
This tutorial will teach you how to setup a perfect WAMP development environment. Besides the basic softwares it includes also an installation...
Views: 864 |
| by Troy
PHP - Installing PHP

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