For the most of the PHP scripter which are using preg_match or preg_replace frequently is the function preg_match_all a smaller advantage, but for...
This is a very simple calendar script that is extremely easy to integrate a database into, and it will also get you into AJAX using...
Views: 892 |
| by Colin
PHP - Calendars
This tutorial will show you how to import csv data into MYSQL with a simple PHP script. Many times you have to write a script because the import...
Preventing SQL attacks is one of the most effective forms of defensive against crackers, this article explains how to do so.
Views: 853 |
| by Jarry
PHP - Security
A great beginners tutorial for generating a random password to a required length.
Sometimes it could be very helpful to select a record from a table randomly. You can find such solution when you see random partners or randomly...
In this tutorial I will show you how to create a file on your web server using your browser. We will create a html form which will be store the...
Let your visitors choose the style they prefer amongst multiple CSS documents.
One of PHP strengths are all the string functions. We give you a great help with starting to work with these functions. There are Always a function...
A advanced BBCode tutorial. This explains how to use the preg_replace function, and shows you how to make BBCodes where you can specify site names,...
Regular expressions enables to find and extract more complicated pieces of information in a strings and do this in a multiple-byte character set...
Views: 899 |
| by Brad
PHP - Searching
One of the key features of object-oriented programming (OOP) is the ability to create new data types in which the data and the implementation of...
Views: 929 |
| by Slicer
PHP - Searching
The topics covered in this tutorial include: PHP basics, including script structure, variables, supported types, constants, expressions, and type...
We begin by discussing the three-tier architecture model used in many web database applications. We then introduce the nature of the Web and its...
Learn the following techniques: Using the five-step web database querying approach to develop database-driven queries; Using the MySQL library...
Pass data from a web browser to a web server; Access user data in scripts; Secure interactive query systems; Query databases with user data;...
Writing data in web database applications requires different techniques than reading data. Issues of transactions and concurrency become important,...
There are three possible data environments in which validation can occur in a three-tiered web database application: in the DBMS, in server-side...
In this tutorial we will discuss how sessions are managed, Introduce cookies, configure PHP session management library, PHP session management
Overview of the customer management scripts, also introduce the include files that store common functionality used throughout the application.
Views: 910 |
| by Source
PHP - Security