
Sending emails with PHP
Emails are easy to send using PHP. Learn how here. Includes contact script.
Views: 615 |
| by Sarah
PHP - Email Systems

Complete Affiliate system with admin panel
Create An easy to use Affiliate system for your website so you no longer have to do it by hand! In 4 easy steps!
Views: 1040 |
| by John
PHP - Link Indexing

Array functions in PHP
If you work with PHP and databases, you will most guaranteed have to work with arrays. Arrays are great for holding lots of information in a...
Views: 577 |
| by Source
PHP - Miscellaneous

Getting prices using the amazon SDK
Learn how to use the amazon SDK to retrieve the latest prices.
Views: 932 |
| by Ben
PHP - E Commerce

Cookies In PHP
One of the most powerful tools available to the web developer are http cookies. This short article will help you understand cookies.
Views: 948 |
| by Source
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Macronimous- Command Line Scripting in PHP
PHP can also be run as a command line script like c, c++, java, etc. This article provides an introduction to command line scripting in PHP and...
Views: 821 |
| by Source
PHP - Development

Registration script with activation
Create a fully featured registration script that you can use on your website, this tutorial will even teach you how to make your users activate...
Views: 595 |
| by David
PHP - User Authentication

Writing Regular Expression with PHP
Regular Expression is a kind of language and if you have learned its symbols and understood their meaning, you would find it as the most useful...
Views: 691 |
| by Sean
PHP - Development

Creating a count down system
In this tutorial I will show you how to create a simple count down system.
Views: 911 |
| by Simon
PHP - Date and Time

Simple Email Validation
Learn how to use email verification to validate your users.
Views: 632 |
| by Mark
PHP - Form Processing

Embedding PHP For Loops
Learn how embedded PHP 'for' loops work while making a handy hex chart!
Views: 646 |
| by Brad
PHP - Miscellaneous

PHP Basics
In this tutorial we will help you understand how to use php.
Views: 629 |
| by Troy
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Basics to arrays
We will be looking into what arrays are and how to make and use them.
Views: 573 |
| by Mathew
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Today you will be learning how to create you're own function.
Views: 569 |
| by Isac
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Email Form
Create you're first very basic email form and handler.
Views: 583 |
| by Source
PHP - Email Systems

Creating Navigation
Create a navigation script for a webpage.
Views: 936 |
| by Steve
PHP - Site Navigation

Str_replace Function.
You will be learning the str_replace function.
Views: 551 |
| by Ben
PHP - Introduction to PHP

Learning Sessions
Sessions are basically cookies with a fallback, they end when you close you're browser.
Views: 887 |
| by Jarry
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Today you will learn how to store data in cookies.
Views: 937 |
| by Ben
PHP - Cookies and Sessions

Introduction to OOP
OOP stands for Object Oriented Programming
Views: 869 |
| by Marry

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